Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2 Medals & 13.1 miles Later

I can't remember if I shared with you my Disney World Princess Half Marathon.
Matching Outfits!!!

Well, in case that I didn't, I ran it with a couple of girl friends because I just thought it would be fun. Come on, Princess . . that's all you need right? Well, we did really well for our first (completed in 3 hours) and found out that if you ran in both a Disney World and Disneyland Half Marathon in the same year, you could win a Coast to Coast Medal. After seeing the beauty, oh yeah...we were in! So, when it was time to run Disneyland this past weekend, I had to get my girls and myself other matching outfits! 

Socks and all! (Compression socks that are functional and so cute!!!)

And see what it said on the back of our tanks?

But I was able to complete the Disneyland HALF Marathon in 2:53. (That's less than my time from Disneyworld's Princess Run.) So I've beaten my own record! Yahooo!!!!! The funny thing was when everyone was checking their times, I really didn't want to know because what if it was over 3 hours? (I didn't train for this run as I should have so I was nervous.) But when my hubby told me my time, I was jumping up and down like I just won the lottery! Silliness!!! My husband, however, ran his first half marathon with me and he had an amazing time of 1:52:38. He's already got us signed up for another half marathon in February. I'm not too sure yet! My legs are still sore and can get barely down the stairs in my home!

Finally finished. (See our buddies in silver blankets??..waited about an hour for us. LOL)

Now let me show you the beauties....

All these pictures are thanks to Sarah. I actually am signed up for the Tiffany/Nike Half in San Francisco in October. Wish me luck. And thanks for letting me share this achievement with you. I'll be back with Stampin' Up! stuff later this week.

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  1. That'a awesome, you guys. I wish I had the energy to do it, too. Too bad I'm not much of a runner, at least not since HS. The medals look awesome. Congrats!!

  2. So proud of you Lisa!! My brother and his wife also ran this half marathon at Disneyland. Due to health issues, I am unable to run in an event like this and have so much respect for those who do!!


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