Thursday, September 8, 2011

Teacher Appreciation (Last Year)

(I don't know why or how this one got missed but it was in my scheduled to be published list and looks like it never got published, so here's an idea you can use for this year or other events...)

Teachers are simply the best and deserve much more than they are given. (And I'm not biased...)

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week (okay, its really one day but we wanted to stretch it out), so we were asked to bring in little goodies each day of the week to show our appreciation. Needless to say, it kept us busy but we had so much fun!

Monday was flowers.
Tuesday was school supplies.
Wednesday was baked goods.
Thursday was a little gift.
Friday was a handmade card. (Which I forgot to take a picture of....I know, I know...)

Wednesday's baking fiasco is the only one that I captured. It was fun because Joelle and I made EVERYTHING together. (I usually don't let my children cook because I hate the clean up but I'm slowly getting better.) We didn't have a lot of the ingredients so we improvised and for the most part, it came out okay! (A little dry but at least we gave the teachers some milk to wash it down!)
We ran out of butter to make the frosting so we made a whipped cream version. And of course, we had to make these adorable cupcake holders to wrap the goodies in.

The basic measurements for these boxes:
Base: 11" x 11"
  • Score each side 3-1/2" (Dark line is where you'll cut)
  • Trim the corners and adhere with Sticky Strip.

Top: 7" x 7"
  • Score each side 1-1/2"(A little smidgen smaller like 1-7/16") (Dark line is where you'll cut)
  • Cut a 3" square from the center
  • Adhere Window Sheet to the center 
  • Assemble the top with Sticky Strip.

To finish it off, we wrapped these boxes with our new baker's twine and attached a fun little tag.

Simple, fun, and pretty!
To order on-line 24/7 click here.

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