Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mirror Monday: Thank You Zumba

On my quest to get fit, I found a new love for Zumba. Not only have I found a new passion, I have been blessed with many friends who have become like family through this journey.

A small group of these amazing people surprised me with a luncheon and showered me with gifts galore. So how can I show them my gratitude?

Yes, homemade thank you cards.

They are a very small token of  my gratitude but I hope they feel the LOVE that was put into it.

Great news...I just got my license to teach Zumba fitness. I can't wait to continue this new journey and eventually use this licensing to teach others and share this love. Sound familiar? Yes, I certainly LOVE what I do and feel so happy to SHARE them with others!

{Project Details} card designed from Spring Catalog pg. 3.


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