Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year--blog giveaway!

To ring in the new year, I thought it would be fun to give away some products. Get you started in the right path for paper crafting fun. How does that sound? Leave me a comment with your New Year's resolution if you've got any and you'll be entered to win:

Simply Scrappin' Kit to help you start preserving those memories.
Mixture of buttons
Stamp Set
Reusable bag to carry all your stuff

Since I'm asking you to share your resolution, I guess I should start first. Looking back at the past and looking to the future and reflecting on changes, I probably need to take better care of me first and be able to say no. I just want to help and give as much as I can, which gets me into trouble. I spread myself too thin. I've already committed to being more fit (did I tell you I finished the Chicago Marathon last October?) so I guess that's a start.

Things I've learned is that life is way too short. Holding onto anger is much harder and tiring than it is to forgive and let go. I wish you happiness, health, and many blessings for this new year! Thank you for being apart my life and for enriching my creative soul.

To order on-line 24/7 click here.


  1. I'm first! Usually I don't do resolutions but this year I have 3 - lose a few pounds, scrap more, and get things done! So far off to a good start on that 3rd one. ;) The giveaway can help me with #2.

  2. I'm second !!! My resolutions this year are to lose 30 pounds, craft a lot more, get organize, and enjoy all the loves in my life. Blog candy would surely be welcome.
    You are such a great inspiration with the beautiful cards you create. Keep up the creativly that you share so willingly.
    Blessings, Victoria @

  3. My resolutions are loose the last stubborn 15 pounds I need to get into my favorite clothes and de-clutter my house! Both are going to be a lot if work, but I'm gonna try!! Thanks for all the great inspiration you provide and for the great blog candy offer!!

  4. I resolve to have more work life balance. :) I want more time for the kids, reading, baking, and papercrafting.

  5. My New Years resolutions are merely suggestions, LOL I'll try to keep one I made last year and that was to enter in a challenge, sketch, color, whatever. I'm going to try harder this year. Thanks for the chance to win some candy.


  6. My resolution is to simplfy. It is also my one little world to live by in 2012.
    Teresa Blue

  7. I have so many resolutions floating in my head. I think my most important one is to show friends & family how much I appreciate them.

  8. Like Lisa said, life is too short. Trust me, I know about that. I am going to journal everyday what I did everyday. Even if I am just staying home having a bad breathing day. I will write about it. Most important, I will finish my Art Studio this year!!!

  9. My resolution is to take better care of my spiritual well being. Happy New Year Lisa!
    lots of love,

  10. I don't usually resolve to do anything. This year I will make a commitment to God to spend more time with him.

  11. Mine would be to try and relax more often and get to my stamp n up prodjects. I need to make the time..........ha ha

    Lois Tolotta

  12. My resolution is to "unclutter." I'm a pack rat and it is time to stop. However, that being said, I'd LOVE to win the blog candy!!!!

    Sue McNeill


Thanks for leaving me a comment! Have a great day.